What Causes Low Blood Sugar Without Diabetes?
People suffering from hypoglycemia are often unaware that they’ve been experiencing it. Some are affected by drug-related hypoglycemia, while others suffer from Stress or an overproduction of insulin. If you are not sure what’s causing your low blood sugar, read on to find out more about the causes of hypoglycemia. Here are some common causes. Listed below are some ways you can treat hypoglycemia.
The condition called hypoglycemia occurs when the blood glucose level falls below 70 mg/dl. Common symptoms include shakiness, headache, blurred vision, and dizziness. People with this condition can usually treat it by taking 15 grams of sugar and waiting 15 minutes before eating again. If frequent episodes of low blood sugar occur, it may be a sign of another health condition, such as pre-diabetes or a complication from diabetes medication. If the condition is mild, a diet change and avoiding alcohol can help.
Other causes of hypoglycemia include drug-related hypoglycemia, which occurs when a person secretly takes medications for diabetes. Other causes include kidney or liver disorders that prevent the kidneys from excreting medications and can cause hypoglycemia. Chronic fasting and strenuous exercise can also lead to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can also be caused by a tumor in the pancreas.
Drug-related hypoglycemia
The gold standard test for drug-related hypoglycemia is the 72-hour supervised fast. This test serves two purposes: to diagnose hypoglycemia and to determine the etiology of low blood sugar. Patients should be admitted to the hospital if the fast does not end before the site closes. For example, the drug quinine can cause hypoglycemia.
Another cause of drug-related hypoglycemia is excessive exercise. While this condition does not usually require the use of diabetes medications, it can occur when people secretly take certain drugs or have psychologic disorders. Drugs that can cause hypoglycemia include pentamidine (used to treat pneumonia in AIDS patients), quinine, and diflucan. Some of these drugs can cause hypoglycemia even without diabetes.
When this condition is left untreated, it can lead to neurological problems, seizures, and even loss of consciousness. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are so serious that you should seek medical help immediately. Drug-related hypoglycemia is treatable, but it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. In general, the blood sugar level should be 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L, which is the standard fasting level for hypoglycemia.
If you have diabetes, you know how stressful diabetes management can be. Stress hormones are produced in the body and interfere with insulin’s ability to deliver energy to cells. This leads to high blood sugar levels, known as hyperglycemia. The ADA recommends finding a diabetes support group, a counselor, or an online support community. The ADA also offers a referral directory for mental health providers. But managing stress is not always easy. Here are some ways to cope with stress and keep blood glucose levels normal.
The first step in managing stress is to identify your triggers. Depending on the triggers, your blood sugar levels can go down and rise in a matter of minutes. It is important to understand the nature of each trigger. For example, high levels of stress hormones can make your blood sugar rise and fall, which can lead to hypoglycemia. Your doctor will likely prescribe you a higher dose of diabetes medication. Another way to deal with stress is to learn coping mechanisms and to seek professional help when you feel overwhelmed by life.
Insulin overproduction
Hyperinsulinemia, or high levels of insulin in the blood, is a condition where the body produces too much insulin. This condition is typically associated with diabetes, and can be caused by a number of factors, including insulin resistance. The following article will give you a brief overview of hyperinsulinemia and what it is, as well as possible treatment options. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels by allowing the body to use glucose from the bloodstream for energy.
Some conditions can result in an overproduction of insulin, including a rare pancreatic tumor. This condition occurs when abnormal pancreatic cells produce insulin and fail to respond appropriately to the hormone. Other causes of low blood sugar without diabetes include hormonal deficiencies. Inadequate levels of growth hormone in children can cause hypoglycemia. This condition usually occurs after a meal. Patients suffering from insulin resistance should be monitored carefully.